Personal injury accidents can inflict a range of harm upon Connecticut victims. Though some individuals may be able to walk away from their accidents with minimal injury, others may suffer damage that affects them for the rest of their lives. When a victim suffers serious injuries, they may not know the full extent of their limitations and needs immediately after their accidents occur.
A serious injury can impact a victim in many ways, and those ways can prevent the victim from securing financial stability on their own. This post will briefly discuss how litigation and legal action can support the needs of seriously injured accident victims. However, as with all posts on this blog, no part of this post should be read as specific legal advice.
The costs of serious personal injuries
Serious personal injuries can take on many forms. Injuries to the brain and spine can cause life-long problems for victims, as can widespread burns and severely broken bones. Injuries to vital organs can cause victims to suffer disabling long-term conditions, all of which may be costly to treat.
For example, according to the Christopher Reeve Foundation, the cost of living with a serious spinal cord injury can exceed $1 million during the first year of a victim’s life and cost nearly $200,000 each year after. After a serious accident like a spinal cord injury, a victim may not be able to work, and the impact of the costs of their medical needs may cripple them financially.
Victims’ options under the law
Litigation based on personal injuries can serve the needs of victims in several ways. It can provide a victim with a venue to demonstrate their losses and prove the financial hardships that have been thrust upon them due to the negligence of another party. It can give them a chance to secure damages for their financial future and enforcement mechanisms in the event the responsible party does not pay what the victim is owed. It is advisable for personal injury victims to seek legal counsel before they initiate lawsuits for their damages. Local attorneys can support the needs of their seriously injured clients.