Personal injury lawsuits and the statute of limitations

On Behalf of | Aug 4, 2021 | Personal injury |

Suffering an injury due to the negligence of someone else can be a horrifying experience. In addition to the physical pain itself, the stress of dealing with the issues that come up can affect your emotional health. You may decide that bringing a personal injury lawsuit is the most appropriate way of addressing those issues.


For personal injury victims, a lawsuit is a powerful option to hold someone accountable for their negligent actions. Connecticut law requires that all persons, businesses and medical professionals conduct themselves in a reasonable manner.

Drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles with a level of care so as not to injure those around them. Businesses must maintain their premises so they don’t create a hazard for customers. And doctors must treat their patients within the standards adopted by their professional community.

When anyone breaches the duty the law gives them, they can be required to compensate victims in order to make them whole again. But as powerful as a victim’s right to seek compensation is, it comes with limits.

Statues of limitations

For most personal injury lawsuits, Connecticut has a two-year statute of limitations. This means that any suit filed must be filed within two years of the action, or inaction, which led to the injury. Examples would include the date of a car accident, a slip and fall at a business or an improperly performed medical procedure. With some exceptions, once two years have passed, the victim loses their right to bring the lawsuit entirely.

One important exception is if the injury is not discovered until some time after the actual accident. A victim cannot exercise their right until they are aware it is necessary. Being in a coma following a car accident, or not discovering the injury from a medical procedure until later, could result in the two-year period starting at a later date.