After being involved in a Connecticut car accident, you may be left dealing with the aftermath for months or longer. Depending on certain factors and the force of the impact, you could have a catastrophic injury and need long-term medical care. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common example; these are the different forms of them and how they can affect your life.
Common car accident-related brain injuries
Concussions are considered mild forms of brain injuries. They are commonly sustained in car accidents when your head hits the steering wheel, dashboard or a window. You can even suffer a concussion if a loose projectile inside the vehicle strikes you with enough force.
Brain contusions can occur when your head receives a sharp blow and your brain hits the inside of your skull. These injuries can be mild or severe; in the latter case, they can lead to blood clots or even bleeding in the brain. They are more likely to develop in higher-speed accidents.
Like contusions, a coup-contrecoup occurs when the head is jolted and the brain hits one side of the skull and then the other, causing dual injuries. This can happen in high-impact rear-end or head-on collisions or even in secondary accidents.
Symptoms of traumatic brain injuries
A traumatic brain injury can cause physical, intellectual, communication and emotional symptoms. Depending on the severity of the injury, it’s possible to experience a few milder issues like headache, nausea, confusion, dizziness and ringing in the ears.
With a moderate to severe injury, more serious symptoms can occur such as memory problems, difficulty understanding speech and speaking, violent outbursts, anxiety, insomnia and balance issues. In the worst cases, a TBI can lead to coma and even death.
Any type and level of brain injury can be life-altering. Seeking medical attention can make a difference in your outcome.