Daylight saving time may lead to car crashes

On Behalf of | Mar 18, 2024 | Motor vehicle accidents |

For some drivers, daylight saving time Has valuable benefits. The additional sunlight could address some concerns about driving in reduced light situations. Driving at night on Connecticut roads might come with hazards, as less light could mean the driver cannot see the road as clearly. That is not to suggest daylight saving time comes without worrisome issues. The change might contribute to accidents because drivers lose helpful sleep.

Warnings about daylight saving time

Studies performed by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and Current Biology reveal alarming facts about daylight saving time and drowsy driving. Current Biology reviewed data associated with 732,000 fatal crashes and discovered fatal accidents increased by 6% after daylight saving time arrived. Many accidents happened in the morning, raising concerns about DST’s effect on sleeping and waking hours.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety notes that federal data about drowsy driving might be higher than government sources suggest. The entity points out that 16% to 21% of police-reported fatal crashes might involve drowsy driving.

Driver drowsiness

Although many commuters understand the hazards of intoxicated or distracted driving, they might downplay the dangers associated with drowsy driving. A tired driver might exhibit several of the same troubles that a drunk or distracted driver may suffer, such as reduced cognition or reaction time. If fatigue makes it difficult to sway to avoid car accidents, collisions might result. Sometimes, the accident could lead to a pedestrian getting hit and suffering catastrophic injuries.

Persons who suffer harm after being struck by a drowsy driver may file a legal claim for compensation. Whether the driver is tired from lack of sleep, taking over-the-counter medications, or another reason, the driver might face a claim if there is negligence.