Winter weather like snow and ice is a regular part of living in Connecticut. As Hartford residents prepare for the holidays, they may also have to contend with slippery sidewalks and snow-covered roads. Chances of injuries can increase as weather conditions...
Year: 2020
Health concerns reduced traffic volume, but auto accidents rose
In Connecticut, auto accidents can happen for many reasons and be linked to a variety of outside issues. For example, drivers who are under the influence, distracted, drowsy or reckless can cause crashes with injuries and fatalities. Environmental factors and...
Motorcycle and SUV auto accident in New London
Most people know that driving can be dangerous for everyone on the road, but this is particularly true for motorcyclist. Motorcycle accidents usually have a greater risk of injury (or death) because motorcycle drivers have very little protection from impacts. And, to...
Don’t overlook the importance of comparative negligence
In order to succeed on a personal injury claim, you have to prove certain legal elements. Amongst them are negligence, causation, and damages. In other words, you need to be diligent in your efforts to show that another person acted in a way that caused your accident,...
Understanding the danger of cognitive driving distractions
You might have heard of campaigns against distracted driving or texting and driving. And while you understand that it’s unsafe to be multitasking behind the wheel and refrain from texting friends or eating snacks while you are on the highway, you might not know that...
Fatal Simsbury car accident still under investigation
Especially in our less dense areas, our roadways can seem relatively clear. However, we should never lose our vigilance on the road because, regardless of the time of day, Hartford roads can become dangerous in an instance. Unfortunately, one such example took place...
Riskier driving during the lockdown increased traffic fatalities
People have been driving less during the lockdown period. How much less? About 26% less, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Because of that, the number of overall traffic fatalities is down by 3.3%, compared to last year. That...
Measures drivers can take to help keep motorcyclists safe
Motorcycle accidents can have devastating consequences for victims. For that reason, it is important for drivers sharing the roadways with motorcycles to do their part to keep them safe. There are several ways that drivers can help protect motorcycles riders on the...
Assigning liability following a drunk driving crash
The dangers of drunk driving are known to motorists in Connecticut and elsewhere; however, this does not eliminate drunk driving from occurring on the roadways. A drunk driver creates many risks for other travelers and passengers, which could result in a serious or...
Drowsy driving carries serious risks
Like many motorists, you may think little of getting behind the wheel after sleeping for only a few hours. With the help of coffee, you might believe you are alert enough to operate your vehicle safely. Yet, drowsy driving causes around 100,000 collisions each year,...